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Governor signed the file


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We've now confirmed that governor has not signed the file and it has been returned to legal dept. for re-evaluation. We were deliberately provided wrong info to keep us calm. Although we won't name anyone in particular but on behalf of Punjab Govt., it wasn't a good move.

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dr. plz stop giving these frustating statements in this forum.think postive.don't show ur anger. the administrator(dr. vipin) is very sincere. he gives us each and every update associated. i think after a long struggle ,we got regularised then notification will be done also.not that big issue..but it can take some more days(may be after rolling back of the pcs act in monsoon session).

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i know dr. all rmo/rvo s are going to get 15600 in next week(may be due to news in papers regarding not giving salery for 2months)...but we will get other allowance after notification....we have to be patient for few more days.we are at the last step of our notficaton.govt. depments take their own time...u know better than me.

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@ Dr. daman : we understand your genuine concern and frustration but blaming anyone for this or cursing fellow brothers isn't also gonna get us anything. We're doing whatever we could and we're always open to suggestions. you indeed might be having better plans or there might be few things that although important but we could've skipped them and you or anyone of us could come up with those. We all have common goal. and after all that has happened till date and the extent of what we've achieved so far, i guess there's no point of being sarcastic. We should be rather thankful to those people who for us visit Chd. every other day, meet ministers, and other officials regularly. They're not just doing for themself but also for everyone of us. And especially now when we're very close to our goal.

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dr daman jairath i am happy that u apologised for being sarcastic as i know that u are really cool and patient person and still wondering why u r so eager abt whole devlopment proces of pcs act waive off as u r so satisfied from ur inner spirit .... good work dr vipin as they always say ' A good genral not only sees the way to victory ;he also knows when victory is impossible.......keep it going for all of us .. best of luck

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