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Doctors met Minister, Dir. RD and FC, Minister called up all officials


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Yestarday Dr. NS Khinda (President RVO) and Dr. JS Bajwa (President RMO) met newly joined FC (RD), Mr. MS Sandhu to inquire about the delays in the process of salary and the service rules amendment. FC Assured that its being done and will be done at the earliest.


And today the delegation (Dr. NS Khinda & Dr. JS Bajwa) met RD Minister, S. Brahmpura at Chd. The minister on persuation of the delegation called all the officials involved, to fasten the remaining process to release our full scale salaries.


Its worth mentioning here that despite various rumors and false messages sent by people, the notification is yet awaited. Only the ordinance has been passed yet by governor (Issued 22nd july & Reached RD on 28th July). You might've seen the copies of this Ordinance at Fb or here at this website.(Not to be confused with notification). The Dir. RD will issue the notification on basis of that Ordinance and the rest of the process will follow. If you heard that its notified (as per some rumors), confirm the same from your ZP as if its notified, they must've got the fax and further directions.


Although its a 30 min. process from typing the notification, signing it (by Dir. RD), and sending Fax to all ZP and FC (RD), but its being delayed. And that particular notification will reveal the actual status of NPA (We getting or not & from when ?).





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