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regarding agreement of staff with ZP

dr kamal

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I don't have the copy,, although i read it,, i didn't realize that anybody could want that so i didn't ask for copy.


Some of main thigs are as follows:

  • salary 7k & 3K
  • 21 CLs with prior consent from ZP,, only CL available. + maternity for females.
  • Yes its transferrable. (station transfer) from director via Zp. Doctor consent wasn't mentioned.(whether yes or no,, it wasn't mentioned, so presumably NO)
  • If the job or discipline of an employee is unsatisfactory then his her contract can be terminated by ZP with 45 days notice if a complaint from you is received.
  • Yes and BIG YES the staff will work only under full supervision and full control of RVO.
  • valid only till 31.5.2012
  • purely stop-gap arrangement and not entitled to claim any service benefit.

Here's photo copy of one of the pages of contract.








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