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Pay of six months


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Its great to see that atleast someone is concerned else we started to get a feeling that we're all asleep again.

Anyway,, this time like always the bigger fault is of ZP, the RD asked all ZPs to submit 1 year budget in Nov. but ZPs have failed to do so. The reports were completed in 3rdweek of Jan. and then RD forwarded to FD for the release of funds.

As some officials aren't available at the moment to process it further and so its taking the time. If all goes at time then ETA: 15 days.

This problem will persist as long as we'll be getting our salaries from 'planned budget'

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our current salary comes from 'planned budget' which needs budget approval each time and there's no provisions for automatic calculation of salaries considering all coming increments or various allowances that may be added in future like it happens in all Dept.s of Punjab, even ZP employees (not RVO,RMO or their staff, or teachers under ZP/RD)..

If the salary head is changed to "un-planned" then they don't have to make a fuss each time and all increments etc. will be calculated at RD state level, ZP wil simply send attendances, and above all there'll always be funds for our salaries.


What association is doing about this : Probably Nothing. Reason : noone is willing to give funds and the leaders are tired of spending from their own pocket. And secondly all (all RVOs+RMOs) have gone lazy. Noone's taking any initiative towards our remaining demands/works.



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I think vipin is right..but one thing is damn sure that pursuading govt to change salary head is quite difficult.. this can be judged from this thing that although we RVO/RMO r not struggling but ett teachers have been protesting from very begining to change salary head even they did not acheived this goal.......

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