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Vets celebrating World Vety Day and 1yr Anniversary of Regularization


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Vets celebrating World Vety Day and 1yr Anniversary of Regularization on 1st may, 10am at Guntas Farm (Bhadso road) Patiala.

Cheif Guest - Hon' Minister R.D. - S. Surjit Singh Rakhra


Everyone's Invited and everyone do come.





Excellent work keep it up you guys are great preformers

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First of all i congratulate every rvo and PRVOA for celebrating such grand gala event on world veterinary day ..also i want to ask if any demands were put to minister RD ..if yes what are our pending demands..and were any insurance was given by minister RD...

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  • 2 weeks later...

So now r we confirmed employee..????



r u not getting the salary ???

how else thee state can prove that u r ...!!

u were regular class-A Gazetted w.e.f 1-may 2011 with all powers n responsibilities. , Word 'Probation' doesn't change any of that.

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Its my request u to please upload letter that was sent by department for probation



Dept. (any dept.) never sends any such letters to satisfy cosmetic needs (until unless asked to do so by court, RTI, etc. or if any controversy arises). Depts. just follow global rules of the State Govt./Center Govt.

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Thanks doc, but zp clerk ask for proof to give increment



They just want money. But like our distt. don't give them a penny, its their duty to do so.

If you get your next salary without the increment, just write a letter to Dir RD alongwith the RTI copy asking why there was negligence. The accountant/clerk may get suspended for such negligences and he knows it well too.

You don't need to give him any proof or any other document,, its his job to do so.

For God's sake and dignity of all RVOs, i request you doc to please do your job n not talk to such as*holes, I don't quite understand why Class - A Gazetted officer keep begging a clerk for salary.

Let him do whatever he wants and if increment is not added to your next salary, just lodge a complaint against him for negligence. You won't be having any problems in future after that.

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Well said vipin....for instance today our meeting was convened with ADC(D) in sangrur dist..he said one thing very clear that "you are well educated officers so you should behave like one..u will get everything with time"..instead of crying before clerks we should opt right written formalities..

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