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PRVOA held official meeting with Dir. RD regarding RFA, DA arrears and hospital infrastructure


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Day Before Yesterday Dr. N.S. Khinda (President PRVOA), held an official meeting with Director RD redarding infrastructure in our hospitals.


And to mention,, This is a great achievement for the association and ultimately all of us as for the first time RVOs are included officially in the decision making by the Dept./RD


Key areas requiring funds for infrastructure identified and further meetings will continue. He, in the meeting also strongly raised thepending issues of some distt.s like RFA, DA arrears etc., which are now expected to be resolved soon.

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i want to ask whether matters like RFA and annual increment are dist. level or state level.As in some dist. RVO are receiving RFA and annual increment while others districs are not getting it. does it depend on respective zp ????... also in case of RFA i want to ask whether we will get arrear of last months or it would begin fresh....

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They both are state level doc. In our distt. we got Annual Increment but not the RFA,, ZP waiting for dir. to send them a letter directing how to proceed. And if they're given a nod to do so then we'll be asked to fill out self declaration forms about our residence w.r.t. C.V.H. and i guess there are few distt.s where even VOs don't get RFA, so in those distt.s RVO will also not get RFA.

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