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Regarding sepeate directorate

dr kamal

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Doc we recently heard about that ETT teachers in ZP are going to shift to education department with schools. If that is going to happen ( we assume it happens) then what could be our move should we try to do same ( going to parent department )or press for seprate directorate here in RD.also i want to ask if seprate directorate is made do we still have to see AH officials for certain things like AI and vaccine. ..Which is better option ????. Also if directorate is made . What would be benefits . Does salary head also change with new directorate..Kindly enlight whole issue and make union stand clear in this regard..i.e Union wants seprate directorate or wnt to go to parent dept. If any of two optios BIG question... WHY ????

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As such, there are more of cons than pros of going to AH,


Having a directorate will solve all problems as we don't have to deal with them any longer.


So, talking of Pros and Cons,


1. We're getting more salary than them, Our salary = V.O. Salary + Rs 1260/CVH (If your distt. is an exception then its not a general statement for whole state, and issue in your Distt. can be resolved sooner or later)

2. More funds in RD than AH. (RD has way more funds than AH, its just their utilization, with having our directorate, we'll be able to utilize those funds), we've got 4 medical supplies in time AH didn't even get 1, and talking of medicines, we received medicines that AH can never dream of giving.

3. We're Class A officers in RD. (i don't think i need to explain this further, this itself may entitle us to extreme perks in future).

4. We've to comply with AI and OPD targets only (Vaccination is not a target,, its compulsary) and rest is not our headache. while AH has many favours to give to PLDDB , and NABARD etc. so they also do their work like insurance schemes, progeny testing, animal identification, performance records etc.

5. If we get a directorate here then the new SVOs etc or whatever they're gonna call it will be from among us, but if we goto AH then you know you don't have a chance.

6. Our Seniors, ADC,DC dont interfere in our work (there may be a problem in 1 or 2 distts but its not a generalized problem), but in AH there's a lot of interference from SVOs, DDs, ADDs etc.


Cons :

1. Our seniors are IAS or PCS and rest is self explanatory as they are less aware of Vety. related field conditions., but still this sometimes is very beneficial as well like last year our distt. almost had all CVHs under ZP rebuilt afresh or renovated completely. and in some cases a new plot/location was choosen to rebuild the CVH as ADC has full power to utilize funds and dont need any consent etc.

But in AH it needs Director's view then he seeks permission from minister and then its a very very lengthy procedure.


We've seen Distt.s like Mansa who have everything wrt infrastructure like refrigerators, Excellent furniture incl. revolving chairs, etc. and they're asked every year if they need anything and their demands are met at earliest. This is only because ZP has power to spend/utilize funds on its own will and dont need consent.



Apart from that i dont think there's any other problem that we've to deal with.

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