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what is the procedure for auctioning unservicable instruments in stock


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  Dr. Ravi Singla and Dr. Mandeep Singh Dhammi said:
what is the procedure for auctioning unservicable instruments in stock


You need written approval from ADC/DDAH depending upon the stock type (delongs to ZP or AH) and then you need to advertise the same in the newspaper(optional) and must have atleast 3 quotations/bids from different applicants/scrap dealers.


The concerned office will make a team of 3 members consisting 1 SVO to assess the items to be auctioned.


Choosing the best offer,, you're good to go ahead and sell unserviceable instruments. Preserve the Original bill in Stock register and submit the attested copy with proper dispatch to ZP/DDAH.


DDAH can only approve (at his level) the items of which the total purchasing amount is less than 5 thousand Rupee.


If you have items that amount (original purchase price - at time of purchase) more than 5 thousand, then approval from Dir. AH is must but if items belong to ZP, then ADC has every power to approve anything.

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