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Vety. Inspectors (AH) did what RVOs failed to do in past years.


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Today Veterinary Inspectors did something extraordinary which RVOs were thinking since long but didn't quite do.

Vety Inspectors. (AH Dept.) in a written statement to Dir. and a press note declared that they will not do anything/provide any services in hospitals that belong to ZP/RD. Its not their Dept. and they will not even work for it.




As per recent advance of events,



1. AH Dept. decided to do vaccination in clusters.


2. AHD made lists of villages and appointed VOs and RVOs to those villages for vaccination. In these clusters, each RVO also had villages/dispensaries that originally are maintained and administered by AH but then the responsibility of these villages and dispensaries were given to RVOs.


3. RVOs in some distt.s protested against the same to DDAHs that RVOs has no administration otherwise in those areas, so either gave full administration of that area (VI should report via RVO etc.) or AH take responsibility of vaccination as well.  but then as association made no clear view on the same and gave no directions what-so-ever, they then surrendered to AH and agreed to vaccinate in stations/villages with working(VI appointed with main charge of station) dispensaries of AH.


4. At same time Veterinary Pharmacists working under ZP/RD denied FMD vaccination as per their ongoing strike and on demand of RVOs, DDAHs directed VIs to vaccinate stations/villages that fall under ZP/RD.


5. And today, taking a giant leap, VIs showed no fear (and we salute them for the same.) declared that they won't provide any services in stations that come under ZP/RD.

Not only this, they won't do any extra-curricular activity like census.


Attached : Newspaper cutting : Jag Bani (All Punjab Edition)


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Everybody is entitled to his/her own views, and in My Personal Opinion, If RVOs wanted their own directorate or even Merging with AH, this is what that should've done a long long ago which could've forced the officials to either create a new directorate with all facilities like semen straws, vaccine etc in ZP/RD itself /// or atleast merging with AH so that all services and functioning went smoothly.  And i personally, repeatedly, over the time recommended such action but there were obvious different opinions among RVOs in different Distt.s.


Its worth nothing here that VI association/Union is one of the strongest associations/unions in Punjab. In last 3 years they achieved following :
1. their pay scale doubled.

2. their designation changed from VP to VI and their certified course changed to diploma and renamed to DVSC & AH.

3. Starting of promotion channel. (already started and promoted).

4. created new posts at teh. and distt. level.

5. over 400 regular posts already filled/appointed and 250+ to be recruited soon.


And one thing in particular. Even if 1 VI is having any personal problem, the whole state stands by him to support disregard of he may be right or wrong. and this is what makes them strong. Think over it RVOs... (instead of, "deal at Distt. level" )

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Jag Bani 5 june 2013.jpg

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