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What, ifs and buts - All about targets and additional charge


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Recently additional charges have been given to many.
We thank AHD for covering all hospitals by giving additional charge to doctors and all doctors are admitted to providing best animal health care services across the state. we welcome the dept's decision to cover all/maximum villages under services of qualified doctors. At same time we request for immediate recruitment of new doctors and upgradation of cvds to CVHs so that we can better serve the innocent animals and help the farmers produce better.
The dept is revising lists/orders so as to rationalize the multiple additional charges and work days.
With above mentioned, we stumbled across social media platforms and received calls from whole state asking about targets, so we decided to write about the various clarifications that are confusing some of the doctors. but before going into targets, its worth mentioning that the doctors have 100% responsibility and liability of vaccination and work.
Regarding AI and OPD targets, the target is of main station only, however the achievements will be aggregated from all the charges. When a VO heads/presides a CVH, VI of that station is relieved of his target as the complete incharge is now VO. (we'll discuss the incharge definition and roles some other day as it varies according to rules and how the dept interprets, the one cited here is as per interpretations of dept.). The target doesn't become double, triple or 6 fold as doctor with 6 additional charges, a doctor works for 30 days a month for 12 months. with 6 additional charges, the work doesn't become 30x6 days a month.
There are no such rules (as deduced by some) that targets will be average of all, though in that case as well, it won't matter/make difference assuming station to station variations to minimal.
In short OPD and AI targets will remain as they were of main hospital but with added responsibility and liability of vaccination and work.

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