We've upgraded the php version our our server to latest and to fix compatibility issues (due to php up-gradation ) We've made some changes to the website and huge changes to our server. Although we're done testing and fixing all glitches/bugs we found, we still urge/request you to check your account on our(RVOs) website and in case you find any bugs/errors or so or in case you're unable to login or view the website altogether, please report us the same to support@RVOpunjab.info or to technical support team at sales@rtuwebsites.com directly.
NOTE : In case of errors, please don't forget to mention your
operating system (windows, linux, iOS/Mac, android, symbian, bada, java etc),
device used (PC, Laptop, Tablet, Mobile, some other gadget that we might be unaware of),
web browser ( Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Opera mini, Opera mobile, chrome, safari, etc.)