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  1. Hello Barzey ,

    Welcome to the RVOpunjab.info :)

  2. Hello oflomac ,

    Welcome to the RVOpunjab.info :)

  3. Read for yourself Doc. Lakhs of Punjab Employees have not Got Salary Yet. And this also include Class 4 employees earning merely 3k salary. If they're Still alive n maintaining their families then i guess there's no biggie for doctors.
  4. Hello cristina ,

    Welcome to the RVOpunjab.info :)

  5. All Financial transactions were frozen by CM Punjab due to Funds being overdraft.
  6. Hello harryn81 ,

    Welcome to the RVOpunjab.info :)

  7. @Dr Ramandeep singh : Salary head is not the main issue, release of budged timely is the issue,, like now we've budget till feb 2013 so there'll be no issue till feb 2013. This particular aspect has already been taken care of.
  8. As such, there are more of cons than pros of going to AH, Having a directorate will solve all problems as we don't have to deal with them any longer. So, talking of Pros and Cons, Pros. 1. We're getting more salary than them, Our salary = V.O. Salary + Rs 1260/CVH (If your distt. is an exception then its not a general statement for whole state, and issue in your Distt. can be resolved sooner or later) 2. More funds in RD than AH. (RD has way more funds than AH, its just their utilization, with having our directorate, we'll be able to utilize those funds), we've got 4 medical supplies in time AH didn't even get 1, and talking of medicines, we received medicines that AH can never dream of giving. 3. We're Class A officers in RD. (i don't think i need to explain this further, this itself may entitle us to extreme perks in future). 4. We've to comply with AI and OPD targets only (Vaccination is not a target,, its compulsary) and rest is not our headache. while AH has many favours to give to PLDDB , and NABARD etc. so they also do their work like insurance schemes, progeny testing, animal identification, performance records etc. 5. If we get a directorate here then the new SVOs etc or whatever they're gonna call it will be from among us, but if we goto AH then you know you don't have a chance. 6. Our Seniors, ADC,DC dont interfere in our work (there may be a problem in 1 or 2 distts but its not a generalized problem), but in AH there's a lot of interference from SVOs, DDs, ADDs etc. Cons : 1. Our seniors are IAS or PCS and rest is self explanatory as they are less aware of Vety. related field conditions., but still this sometimes is very beneficial as well like last year our distt. almost had all CVHs under ZP rebuilt afresh or renovated completely. and in some cases a new plot/location was choosen to rebuild the CVH as ADC has full power to utilize funds and dont need any consent etc. But in AH it needs Director's view then he seeks permission from minister and then its a very very lengthy procedure. We've seen Distt.s like Mansa who have everything wrt infrastructure like refrigerators, Excellent furniture incl. revolving chairs, etc. and they're asked every year if they need anything and their demands are met at earliest. This is only because ZP has power to spend/utilize funds on its own will and dont need consent. Apart from that i dont think there's any other problem that we've to deal with.
  9. Hello CAharpreet ,

    Welcome to the RVOpunjab.info :)

  10. Hello Sambhav ,

    Welcome to the RVOpunjab.info :)

  11. With the continuous efforts of PRVOA, salary budget upto feb. 2013 has been released to all ZPs - Dr. Jiwan Gupta
  12. That petition was based on Uma Devi's case : "A five-judge Constitution Bench in Uma Devi’s case said courts should not give a direction for regularisation of the services of daily/temporary workers as they had not been recruited following the due procedure and recruitment rules." Firstly It doesn't apply to RMOs and RVOs as during our recruitment, proper advertisement in newspaper was given, interview was called, merit was made and the reservation policy was strictly followed and we were not daily wages, we were contractors. And secondly, RVOs need not be afraid of this as the petition is against RMOs n not RVOs., so court never rules against the one thats not in question/subject/mentioned/appealed against. Thirdly n importantly, if anything such happens then please be assured that Good or Bad we do post each and everything that concerns RVOs, you'll (RVOs) be the one's to know on 0(zero) day / same day as it happens. We hide nothing as all RVOs deserves the right to know. (including the one's that never stood by Association or participated in its activities) And on a different note, all RVOs are requested to submit Rs. 2000 each to your distt. Reps towards Union Fund.
  13. RVO delegation today met Dir. RD in Mohali redarding separate directorate for RVOs, CPF, RFA and timely salary. -Dr. N.S. Khinda
  14. Hello manbir88 ,

    Welcome to the RVOpunjab.info :)

  15. Today RVO delegation from Patiala met Hon' minister S. S.S. Rakhra at his residence regarding separate directorate for RVOs, timely salary/Allowances, Infrastructure etc. The minister assured the delegation that their demands would be taken up very soon. -Dr. N.S. Khinda (President RVOA Punjab)
  16. Hello guri ,

    Welcome to the RVOpunjab.info :)

  17. They both are state level doc. In our distt. we got Annual Increment but not the RFA,, ZP waiting for dir. to send them a letter directing how to proceed. And if they're given a nod to do so then we'll be asked to fill out self declaration forms about our residence w.r.t. C.V.H. and i guess there are few distt.s where even VOs don't get RFA, so in those distt.s RVO will also not get RFA.
  18. Hello RAW ,

    Welcome to the RVOpunjab.info :)

  19. Hello admin ,

    Welcome to the RVOpunjab.info :)

  20. Thanks for feedback,, Your windows doesn't seem to be updated, You need .NET framework installed. Download it here (free) : http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=21
  21. Version


    Its capable of automatically calculating and comparing your salary with RMO and VO. Best is that you don't need to install it, its a small (few kb) app that runs in windows environment. This Calculator also displays the salary of VO and RMO for comparison. Valid till Pay Scale remains 15600-34100 (+5400) Enjoy !
  22. File Name: Salary Calculator (Updated with new DA%) File Submitter: RVOpunjab File Submitted: 23 Jun 2012 File Category: PRVOA Documents Its capable of automatically calculating and comparing your salary with RMO and VO. Best is that you don't need to install it, its a small (few kb) app that runs in windows environment. This Calculator also displays the salary of VO and RMO for comparison. Valid till Pay Scale remains 15600-34100 (+5400) Enjoy ! .awesome a { text-decoration: none; color: white;} .awesome, .awesome:visited { background: #222 url(alert-overlay.png) repeat-x; display: inline-block; padding: 5px 10px 6px; color: #fff; text-decoration: none; border-radius: 5px; webkit-border-radius: 5px; box-shadow: 0 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.5); webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.5); text-shadow: 0 -1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.25); border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.25); position: relative; cursor: pointer; border:none; } .awesome:hover { background-color: #111; color: #fff; text-decoration:none !important; } .awesome:active { top: 1px; } .small.awesome, .small.awesome:visited { font-size: 11px; padding: ; } .awesome, .awesome:visited, .medium.awesome, .medium.awesome:visited { font-size: 13px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 1; text-shadow: 0 -1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.25); } .large.awesome, .large.awesome:visited {color: #ffffff; font-size: 14px; padding: 8px 14px 9px; } .green.awesome, .green.awesome:visited { background-color: #91bd09; } .green.awesome:hover { background-color: #749a02; } .blue.awesome, .blue.awesome:visited { background-color: #2daebf;} .blue.awesome:hover { background-color: #007d9a; } .red.awesome, .red.awesome:visited { background-color: #e33100; } .red.awesome:hover { background-color: #872300; } .magenta.awesome, .magenta.awesome:visited { background-color: #a9014b; } .magenta.awesome:hover { background-color: #630030; } .orange.awesome, .orange.awesome:visited { background-color: #ff5c00; } .orange.awesome:hover { background-color: #d45500; } .yellow.awesome, .yellow.awesome:visited { background-color: #ffb515; } .yellow.awesome:hover http://www.rvopunjab.info/forum/files/file/29-salary-calculator-updated-with-new-da/' target='_blank' >Click here to download this file »
  23. Day Before Yesterday Dr. N.S. Khinda (President PRVOA), held an official meeting with Director RD redarding infrastructure in our hospitals. And to mention,, This is a great achievement for the association and ultimately all of us as for the first time RVOs are included officially in the decision making by the Dept./RD Key areas requiring funds for infrastructure identified and further meetings will continue. He, in the meeting also strongly raised thepending issues of some distt.s like RFA, DA arrears etc., which are now expected to be resolved soon.
  24. Hello isha ,

    Welcome to the RVOpunjab.info :)

  25. Hello, The website has been upgraded and many new features has been added. 1. The shoutbox in homepahe will show all recent activity at a glance. 2. Now you can have multiple login options for the same account, like facebook, twitter, MSN, google+, rvopunjab.info , all integrated to a global account. Once defined, you can login with any method to the same account. 3. User E-mail Notifications updated to give you a better and fast notification of all new topics/replies/news. 4. Now you can import/export your status update from/to Facebook, twitter and google+. in simple words, you can synchronize your status update on this website to/from facebook, twitter, google+. 5. Minimized javascripts for faster loading of website. 6. New mobile version of website added for better, fast and compatible viewing experience on mobile phone. 7. website database and cache moved to external server cloud for faster loading. 8. Inline popup notifications to notify you instantly. 9. Both Gallery and Download section upgraded to give better, advanced n yet simpler viewing experience. Apart from above there are few bug fixes, few pending issues fixed. If you find any issues/bugs please either use "report" function of website of mail us at admin@rvopunjab.info. Thank you.

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