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  1. Thanks for updates doc. Copy of all news papers can be seen here : Click here for Newspaper Cuttings.
  2. The Finance Dept. clarified various Depts. by a letter that all the employees regularized after 5 april that were under the affect of PCS Act (amended), are all be excluded and are liable to get full salary with allowances. And Services to be counted (as regular) from the day of appointment (for various benefits). The salary will be "in full" from date of joining and if already received (without allowances), then will receive arrears with August salary. Newspaper Cuttings : Ajit Hindustan Times (HT) Spokesman Scan Copy of the actual letter. (Special thanks to Dr. Jivan Gupta for providing the same)
  3. @ Dr. Kamal : The Code of conduct will not affect this as the process already started and ordinance reached Dept. before Code of conduct. Had the Ordinance not been issued by Gov. by now, then it would had affected completely.
  4. Yestarday Dr. NS Khinda (President RVO) and Dr. JS Bajwa (President RMO) met newly joined FC (RD), Mr. MS Sandhu to inquire about the delays in the process of salary and the service rules amendment. FC Assured that its being done and will be done at the earliest. And today the delegation (Dr. NS Khinda & Dr. JS Bajwa) met RD Minister, S. Brahmpura at Chd. The minister on persuation of the delegation called all the officials involved, to fasten the remaining process to release our full scale salaries. Its worth mentioning here that despite various rumors and false messages sent by people, the notification is yet awaited. Only the ordinance has been passed yet by governor (Issued 22nd july & Reached RD on 28th July). You might've seen the copies of this Ordinance at Fb or here at this website.(Not to be confused with notification). The Dir. RD will issue the notification on basis of that Ordinance and the rest of the process will follow. If you heard that its notified (as per some rumors), confirm the same from your ZP as if its notified, they must've got the fax and further directions. Although its a 30 min. process from typing the notification, signing it (by Dir. RD), and sending Fax to all ZP and FC (RD), but its being delayed. And that particular notification will reveal the actual status of NPA (We getting or not & from when ?).
  5. VCI n Pb vety council took action agnst listed quacks in 1 month Last month Vets from Distt. Firozepur sent letters to VCI and Pb. Vety Council to take measures against quacks as the same are affecting their targets. VCI and Pb. Vety. council taking strong measures and acting quickly, within 1 month, directed DC, and SSP of distt. to register FIR and take required action against the quacks as per/under IVC Act 1984, sections 55,56,57. Director AH is also directed by VCI and Pb. Vety Council to make sure and report back in specified time that there are no quacks left in the specified region. Below are copies of complaints filed by Vets./RVOs to following as per name. DC.docx deputy_director.docx director.docx vci.docx registrar.docx And here are Response letters from VCI and Pb. Vety Council to SSP, DC, Dir. AH If anyone is also troubled by quacks in their area then he/she may follow the same procedure to eliminate quackery from its very roots. Although we understand that at the very moment our minds are occupied with salary/Act/NPA etc. but this is essential in long run and preserving Vet Integrity. So please make a list of quacks in your areas and send them to VCI, DC, Pb. Vety Council and DDAH & Dir. AH. As you can see in attached letter by Dir. AH and VCI, the letters for taking action are already forwarded to All Distt.s DCs and SSPs. You just need to submit the lists to the above mentioned. (viz. VCI, DC, Pb. Vety Council and DDAH & Dir. AH.). To facilitate you, we've attached the letter formats to be sent. DC.docx deputy_director.docx director.docx vci.docx registrar.docx DC.docx deputy_director.docx director.docx vci.docx registrar.docx DC.docx deputy_director.docx director.docx vci.docx registrar.docx DC.docx deputy_director.docx director.docx vci.docx registrar.docx DC.docx deputy_director.docx director.docx vci.docx registrar.docx DC.docx deputy_director.docx director.docx vci.docx registrar.docx
  6. hello, This has already been discussed. Please visit the following for all your related queries Click Here You are most welcomed to ask anything if you have any further queries.
  7. File Name: Application sent to Director RD on 28/07/2011 File Submitter: Coolvipcandy File Submitted: 31 Jul 2011 File Category: PRVOA Documents Application sent to Director RD on 28/07/2011 by President RVOs and RMOs to process the salaries as soon as possible. In response to above the Dir. RD directed the Finance to process the salaries with allowances. Click here to download this file
  8. 7 downloads

    Application sent to Director RD on 28/07/2011 by President RVOs and RMOs to process the salaries as soon as possible. In response to above the Dir. RD directed the Finance to process the salaries with allowances.
  9. Here's the copy of PCS Act (amended) repeal ordinance dated 26/07/2011. this ordinance has already reached RD as on 28/07/2011. The Dir. RD on basis of this ordinance will issue Notification to RD/ZPs soon. We'd like to mention here that the Code of conduct due to SGPC elections do not have any effect on this as its been already approved. Its also worth mentioning that if the NPA matter isn't resolved in-vivo then it won't be resolved as long as the CODE OF CONDUCT is in effect.
  10. Its true. Only the ordinance has been issued yet and notification has yet to be issued by/to RD. But it won't even take long now as the ordinance has already reached RD Director, and notification will be issues soon. The bigger concern at this moment is NPA.
  11. Tribune : "Chandigarh, July 23 Electoral politics has forced the Punjab Government to withdraw the controversial Punjab Civil Services (Rationalisation of Certain Conditions of Service) Act, 2011. This Act had mandated that all new employees to get only basic salary for three years. Passed in haste during the last Vidhan Sabha Session without any debate, the SAD-BJP Government has given a quiet burial to the Act by bringing an ordinance to scrap it. Punjab Governor Shivraj Patil signed the ordinance scrapping the Act on Friday. Sources in the government said that the SAD-BJP alliance was in a hurry to undo the damage caused by this controversial legislation. After its implementation in April this year, the legislation had put every new government employee on probation for three years. This had caused immense heartburn, besides making new employees get less than half the salary, for equal work, as compared to those who were recruited prior to April 5, 2011. The cash-strapped government had introduced this legislation on pattern of contract employment in a bid to save money. As per this legislation, a new employee was put on probation for three years during which time he or she would draw only basic salary - the carry home was much lower than regular employees as it did not include any allowances. Besides, all such employees were subject to annual appraisals and could be dismissed without notice. Many new employees had quit high-paying private jobs to join the government only to find their salaries reduced to one-fourth of what they were drawing previously. Sources in the government said that since the Congress had announced that it would withdraw the controversial legislation if voted to power, SAD-BJP alliance did not want Zila Parishad doctors, government teachers, public relations officers, etc. (that were most affected) to turn against the government on this issue. All the new employees were placed in the minimum pay band. For the 1,200-odd qualified doctors and veterinarians, the government remuneration was a mere pittance. At least 72 MBAs and post-graduates who had joined Punjab Agro Industries Corporation, too got salaries ranging between Rs 8,400 to Rs 9,000. With the scrapping of the legislation, the salaries of all the employees would increase manifold. Other departments where voices of discontent were loud, included the Punjab State Warehousing Corporation, Punjab Water Supply and Sanitation Department and the Punjab Secretariat staff. As per the Punjab Civil Services (Rationalisation of Certain Conditions of Services) Act, 2011, all recruits in group “A” to “D” were to undergo a three-year induction period during which they would be given a basic pay of Rs 10,000 or less, sans perks or facilities. This three-year period, extendable up to five years, would not be included in the service tenure, affecting their pension, gratuity and other benefits. The seniority of these employees was to be calculated from the day they complete the induction period. They were entitled to only 12 days of casual leave and 30 days of extraordinary leave on account of sickness or accident. Women were eligible for three months’ maternity leave. During the induction period, the services of the employee could be terminated at a one-month notice. After the scrapping of the legislation, these employees would now be treated on a par with other regular employees. "
  12. Governor signed the file Due to immense pressure created by Mass CL and Distt. Level dharnas of all rural Docs. and more than 100 press notes published in all leading dailies all over Punjab, the PCS act waive off file has been cleared by the Governor today. - Dr. N.S. Khinda & Dr. J.S. Bajwa It'll be notified by LR hopefully by Monday. We'd hereby like to congrat all our fellow doctors and thank them for their valuable contribution for making it possible.
  13. Spokesman PS : This is what that has done the trick/job so far and will do again. How can we forget that we've given such memos to ADCs, DDAHs in the past and now we're regular.
  14. Doctors to go on Mass CL on 21st July The President PRVOA in a press conference announced today that Doctors will go on mass CL on 21st July if the Govt. fails to exempt the Doctors from PCS Act by 20th July. Newspaper cuttings from Ajit, Punjabi Tribune added. Punjabi tribune Ajit Daily
  15. @ Dr. daman : we understand your genuine concern and frustration but blaming anyone for this or cursing fellow brothers isn't also gonna get us anything. We're doing whatever we could and we're always open to suggestions. you indeed might be having better plans or there might be few things that although important but we could've skipped them and you or anyone of us could come up with those. We all have common goal. and after all that has happened till date and the extent of what we've achieved so far, i guess there's no point of being sarcastic. We should be rather thankful to those people who for us visit Chd. every other day, meet ministers, and other officials regularly. They're not just doing for themself but also for everyone of us. And especially now when we're very close to our goal.
  16. Our file has been cleared by Finance and Legal dept. Pb. Govt. This time an RMO delegation headed by Dr. Bajwa has personally seen n confirmed the same.. Hope its gets through Gov. soon too.
  17. We've now confirmed that governor has not signed the file and it has been returned to legal dept. for re-evaluation. We were deliberately provided wrong info to keep us calm. Although we won't name anyone in particular but on behalf of Punjab Govt., it wasn't a good move.
  18. @Dr daman, yesterday evening a delegation of RVOs and RMOs met CM at Vill. Kot bhai (Muktsar), and asked about the notification. CM assured that it'll be done in few days.
  19. Due to strong recommendations by AH minister, the process resumed. Interview to be held from 13 onwards.
  20. The Hon' Governor, Punjab today signed our file for PCS Act waive off for doctors. Notification will reach RD in a day or 2 (working day). So congrats everybody and start preparing your shopping lists .
  21. From the album: Newspaper Cuttings

    Legal Dept. clears file and forwarded to Governor for final notification.<br> <br> Click here for more info : <a href="http://www.rvopunjab.info/forum/index.php?/topic/113-notification-follow-up-letter-sent-to-governor/" class="bbc_url" title="">http://www.rvopunjab...nt-to-governor/</a>

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