FC is at leave and will be re-joining office on 11th and all will be done after that. So there's not much point in running here n there now and wait for him.
Ropar distt. doctors got their salary coz they did worked hard to get it and they were lucky.
They got salary under salary code/PIN : 24 but others will get under "01" so thats a completely different scenario, and even they'll be gettting future salaries under "01".
There were no CPF deductions from their salary & RFA not added to their salary,
So we'd better wait in order to have all salary in order and complete.
ZPs previously received letters from Dir./Finance RD, that salaries be given to doctors but they didn't mentioned salary structure.
ZPs reverted back at them to give them guidelines to issue salary and they've still not got any reply as FC is on leave.
So, wait for him, and it'll be done.
And as a sidenote : Other distt.s will not follow Distt. Ropar's pattern, neither they'll issue salary based on distt. Ropar salary structure pattern. They'll wait for an official reply. (Standard protocol). Eg: you never start doing anything special like insurances etc if your friend from other distt. is doing,, you only do when you've given target by your distt. to you. similarly they'll not follow them and wait for official letter. (which even Ropar didn't receive depicting salary structure. ). The only reason they got even then was their unmatched effort and bravery of ZP officials.